800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
"Is your library facing a budget cut, reduced staffing, or has your budget remained the same for years while everything gets more expensive? During this group discussion, we’ll talk about how to handle budgetary constraints in the library including decisions on what resources are cut or reduced, staffing decisions, and how to communicate with patrons when resources or services are limited."
The participants discussed budget cuts, and what budget lines to target first such as staffing or collections. This discussion also touched on cuts caused by increased prices with a static budget.
Stats needed for these decisions have changed for most libraries after COVID.
Staffing issues continue to be a problem since non-library administrators continue to be unaware of what a modern librarian does.
Static budgets can be as problematic for collections as budget cuts when vendors refuse to accept that a library may not receive additional funding in the annual budget.
The need to make cuts in the collection can also cause issues with an academic library's relations with teaching faculty. The faculty will often resist any cuts to materials on their topics.
Staff morale can be raised by fun activities such as parties and group meals.
The need for better training of new students in research skills was discussed, as well as the CDLC High School to College group.