800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
Once a library places a request to your library, your library will receive an email containing the bibliographic information of the item requested, as well as the contact information of the borrower. If you need to contact them, please email them directly. Do not respond to this email, it will not be received or redirected.
At the bottom of the email you will have the option to say yes or no to a request. You can also supply your answer in your eForm account, under the option Request Status: Lending. Both options will bring you to the same page: Lending Requests Received By Your Library.
If you determine you can’t lend the indicated item, select No, Can’t Fill. This will bring you to a screen where you can indicate why you can’t lend the item. Supplying this information can be useful for the borrowing library as they continue to try and find a lender. For example, indicating that an item can’t be loaned because it is currently checked out will let them know you have the item, and they may be able to request it at a later date, if needed.
Click Yes, Will Fill if you are able to lend it. We recommend actually having the item in hand before you commit to lending it, in case there are any issues with locating an item in your stacks.
If you select yes, a new screen will appear. There will be an option to put in any notes you might need to give the borrower. Some people use this to indicate the date they shipped the item. There is also a drop-down menu to select the delivery method you are planning to use. Expect an estimated two-week delivery time if you choose to send an item via the courier, as it will most likely need to be transferred to a different courier service.
You should also key in the due date when sending an item. Borrowers will get a reminder email from the eForm when an item’s due date is approaching. While we don’t have mandated lending periods, it is a good rule of thumb to incorporate extra time to accommodate for the length of delivery.
Once you indicate you can send the item, borrowers will receive a message confirming that you are sending it.
Borrowing libraries have the option to request a renewal. If they do, you will receive an email asking if you are willing to extend the due date. You can respond to this request directly from the email or within the eForm under the Action tab. If you are willing to extend the due date, click Approve Renewal. If you do not want to grant an extension, click Deny Renewal.
Either option will bring you to a screen. If you are approving a renewal, you will enter the new due date, and the borrowing library will receive an updated due date by email. If you deny a renewal request, you can explain why in the new screen and the borrowing library will receive an email with that message.
Once you receive your ILL material back from the borrowing library, you can update the status again and check in the material within the eForm. This will complete the transaction and assure the borrowing library that you received the item without any issues.
Under the Action tab, click Check item Back In. A new screen will appear asking if you wish to mark the item as returned. Select yes and click submit.