800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
The User Profile is the information about the library employee who is logged into LiNX. Occasionally, people may need to change or update their email, password, library phone number, or even their names. This is where those updates can be made. Click User Profile under the Edit Profiles section to access this information.
Your Library Profile is where you can update your library's lending email, temporarily suspend lending, and indicate which materials you are willing and able to loan. Click Library Profile under the Edit Profiles section to access this information.
The email for the Library Profile is where correspondence relating to LiNX lending requests will be sent. When someone places an ILL request to your library, this is where the message will go. If this is your first time editing your library's profile, the lending status is currently suspended. To activate your lending status, click the drop-down menu and select No. When No is selected, your library will receive requests from other CDLC libraries.
Changing your lending status can be helpful when you know that your library is temporarily unable to fill ILL requests. If you do not select a Suspension End Date, your ILL suspension will automatically default to 7 days. Remember to click Submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
If there are certain items that you know your library will not lend via ILL, you can note that here. If you select No, your library will not receive requests for those item types. Remember to click Submit after making your selections.