800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
After searching and finding the item you want in the catalog, click the Staff Request button and log in with your account information. Fill in the information under the Request Details section if desired.
You must select whether your request is for a book or an article. If article is selected, the citation fields will become visible and should be filled in as completely as possible.
You must select a lender to submit the request. Only libraries with activated lending will appear available.
If you are interested in requesting multiple copies of the same title, you can do that by selecting multiple copies under This is a request for: You will then have the option to select from whichever libraries are participating in lending.
Once you have selected the library lender(s), click submit. An email will be automatically sent to the lender requesting this item.
You will need to wait until you hear back from the lender to see if they can fill your request. They have five business days to respond. If they do not respond before the request expires or cannot fill it, you will need to re-submit it to a different library. If they say yes, you will receive a confirmation email that notifies you and provides the lending library's shipping method and contact email.
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the catalog and contacting CDLC is the next step in your ILL workflow, you can submit a request through the Manual ILL Referral Form located in the QUICK LINKS box.
After you receive your requested item, you can let the lending library know it has safely arrived. In the User Profile, click on Borrowing under Request Status.
Locate the request for the item you just received. Your requests will show up chronologically. You can scroll through to find the item in question, or search directly by ILL number.
Once you find the request, you will see the "Action" tab on the far right-side. Underneath, it will say “Received Item.” Clicking this will timestamp it, and let the lender know you have received the borrowed item.
Once you mark the item as Received, you will see two new options in the Action Tab: Request Renewal and Return Item.
If you need to renew the item, click Request Renewal. In the resulting screen, you have an optional space to type in any notes related to your renewal request. You can request a specific due date or include any pertinent information.
This request will generate an email to the lending library asking them if you can have a renewal. If they agree, an email will be sent to you with the updated due date.
After a patron has returned an item to your library, you can update the status again by clicking Return Item under the Action tab. A screen will appear with a drop-down menu for delivery methods, as well as a notes option if needed. Your delivery method will depend both on the library you’re working at, and the library you’re delivering to. The method it was used to be delivered to your library can often be a good indicator of how to return it. If you are unsure of the method you should be using, consult the Delivery Guide or contact CDLC at ill@cdlc.org for more information.