800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
Often, but not always, you can use your local courier service to pick up an ILL item for lending or returning. It always depends on the library.
CDLC facilitates courier delivery across multiple systems and library types. The CDLC office is no longer a courier service point. Please consult the Delivery LibGuide to see whether or not a library utilizes a courier and how to send items properly.
The Regional Interlibrary Loan Procedures For CDLC explains the basic guidelines and protocols for ILL at CDLC libraries.
The Reference and Users Service Association (RUSA) has provided codes and guidelines for libraries and interlibrary loan. RUSA is a division of the American Library Association. CDLC has adopted those codes as its own, with a few minor provisions and exceptions.
CDLC libraries agree to the free exchange of library materials, including, when necessary, free photocopies. To support this interlibrary loan activity, the Council maintains a Union Catalog (LiNX) of our member's holdings. CDLC also coordinates the Direct Access Program (DAP) and participates in OCLC WorldShare ILL, DOCLINE, and NYSILL.
CCG stands for Conforms to Copyright Guidelines and complies with Section 108 of the U.S copyright law (Title 17, USC).
CCL stands for Conforms to Copyright Law and complies to US copyright law provisions outside of Section 108.
In general, CCG should be selected if the document you desire has been published within the past 5 years. CCL should be selected if the document is older than 5 years from the date you are requesting it.
You can lear more about copyright in CDLC's Resources for Interlibrary Loan guide.
For general questions about resource sharing at CDLC, contact Meghan Wakeman to schedule a virtual or in-person meeting to address your resource sharing needs.
If you have a question about specific request or need to speak to a specific library, you can find the proper contact information in the ILL Directory.