800 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 204
Latham, New York 12110
Effective July 18 2022, CDLC will no longer have courier services delivering to or from our office location.
The Upper Hudson Library System is now on ELD and can accept all ELD deliveries for UHLS, MVLS, and SALS libraries.
K-12 schools that are CDLC members should label courier returns that used to go to CDLC as UHLS/ILL for delivery.
CDLC will still fill ILL requests for its members, but will not be a delivery location or transfer station.
For more details, you can watch The Courier Meeting that took place on July 12 on the CDLC YouTube Channel.
1) Clear labeling of item's final destination
2) Time sensitive material should be mailed
What to send
*Due to the fragile nature of some Microfilm/ fiche & AV packaging, it is recommended that these materials be sent inside a hard non bendable container or wrapped in bubble wrap.
Every delivery system uses different codes and some require very specific labeling. If you are using CDLC as go between multiple systems please send the item to CDLC as your courier specifies. Please remember to clearly label the items intended destination using the libraries full name and code.
Codes for the different types of libraries can be found on the correlating tabs.
(please use the tabs at the top for more information about the different courier systems)
CDLC cannot accept claims for missing or damaged items. Items are not tracked by CDLC, that is the responsibility of the sending library. Any library utilizing CDLC's delivery network should should comply with the Interlibrary Loan Code of the United States, which holds that the borrowing library is responsible for the material from the time it leaves the lending library until it is returned to the lending library. If the book cannot be located, regardless of the cause, then the borrowing library should reimburse the lending library for the cost of the material.